“No prizes for guessing our next holiday destination”
Our founder comes from a century-old textile family business. Her signature, our signature is simplicity which she sees as ultimate sophistication. Rajeswari Mavuri (RaMa) says her childhood vacations to were to the weaving villages and nearby temples.

Prized possessions
Once in a while, she’d bring to the studio the dresses she had designed from the slightly damaged but truly authentic sarees (now worth their weight in gold and silver) her grandfather and father brought home.
Rajeswari’s personal mission is to distill all the complex, intricate, intense, mystical, mythical glory that is India into a modern context for the world to experience. Not only India’s handwoven fabrics, but also its history and literature.What you wear is a result of hours of deliberation, design intervention, creative integration and tireless iterations.
She and the rest of our teams would seamlessly merge indigenous fabrics and time-tested weaving traditions of India with contemporary designs and modern silhouettes.
“And they loved Raji”
During their interactions, all our discerning clients love talking and learning from our founder. More often, our customers end up falling in love with her personality, her passion and her perseverance.
During the team briefs, we’d often hear the phrase, “and they loved Raji.”
Label Rama’s fashion choices are a form of meaningful activism.
Quite naturally the Label Rama’s clothing conveys values she deems necessary to her work ethics and creativity. In a signature soft voice she’d make a bold statement, “My job is to place Indian artisans on par with the French designs and Italian makers. After all, 95% of the world’s handwoven fabric comes from India.”